Mission Statement: “We serve in partnership with local school districts, churches, businesses and organizations, to provide holiday food baskets so no child or person will go without a special holiday meal”

Our Vision: “To provide 2000 Holiday Food Baskets for Elementary, Middle and High School children and others in need, throughout the surrounding school districts and communities, in conjunction with churches, businesses and organizations.”

History of Loaves and Fishes Holiday Basket Program

The Loaves and Fishes Holiday Basket program was first established as a collaborative program between First Baptist of Lakewood and Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in 2018. This initial partnership began with donations from the churches themselves and eventually grew to include local community businesses to feed and support a handful of Clover Park Elementary Schools as well as those in need through the churches’ social ministry programs. What began as serving 63 families through two churches and six schools has now grown to include three churches with the addition of Grace Lutheran, several supporting congregations, and thirty-two schools throughout the area to over 751 families as of 2023.

Scriptural Background

But Jesus said, "They need not go away; you give them something to eat." They said to him, "We have only five loaves here and two fish." And he said, "Bring them here to me."

- Matthew 14:16-18 (ESV)